The Nut Job is an upcoming 2014 Canadian-South Korean -American 3D computer animated comedy film directed by Peter Lepeniotis. It is written by Lorne Cameron and Peter Lepeniotis, starring Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Gabriel Iglesias, Liam Neeson and Katherine Heigl.
THE NUT JOB 2014 Movie
Director: Peter Lepeniotis
Starring: Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson,
Katherine Heigl, Stephen Lang, Sarah Gadon, Jeff Dunham.
Set in fictional Oakton, circa 1959,a mischievous purple squirrel named Surly (Will Arnett) is banished from the park to the city by Raccoon (Liam Neeson) after a botched hot dog stand heist in the park by Grayson (Brendan Fraser) and Andie (Katherine Heigl) goes horribly wrong. With the help of his rat friend Buddy (Robert Tinkler), Surly plans a nut-store heist of outrageous proportions, and the duo unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a complicated adventure that might help the survival of the park's animal community even if it involves getting them to help out with the heist before the winter weather hits.